Coombe Road Primary School

Coombe Road Primary School

Every child, every family and every moment matters.

Milner Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 4BP

01273 077130

Equality Duty

Equality Duty

This webpage brings together all policies, schemes and action plans around equality including those that we had previously for Race, Gender and Disability. The policies include all the protected characteristics covered under the Equality Act (2010) as well as other aspects which have the potential to discriminate against or to devalue any individuals within our community.  We are committed to the development of cohesive communities both within our school’s physical boundaries and within our local, national and global environments.  Our school embraces the aim of working together with others to improve children’s educational and health and wellbeing outcomes, and notes the rights set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

How we identify our equalities objectives

In line with our statutory duties we publish equalities information annually and publish and report on equalities objectives every three years. We have set ourselves specific and measurable objectives that will help us achieve the aims of the general equality duty:

  • Equalities information is found on the website (see link below).
  • Reports on our equalities objectives are on the website (see documents below). 

Our equality objective-setting process involves gathering evidence as follows:

  • from equality impact assessments (or other process for reviewing the potential impact on decisions made in schools);
  • from online data (performance tables), CPOMS records, annual Safe and Well At School Surveys; and
  • from involving relevant people (including disabled people).

In addition, we know our school well because we regularly collect information about ourselves in a variety of ways and other people help us to do this. Ofsted inspectors report on equality issues during inspections and our School Improvement Partner conducts learning walks and pupil conferences. We collect a range of information relating to incidents of harassment and bullying including those relating to racism, homophobia, faith, disability and gender identity if and when they occur.

Annual updates of our contextual information are used to inform our self-evaluation. All significant groups are considered when looking at data in termly Pupil Progress Meetings and any discrepancies are addressed through focused interventions which are planned, delivered, monitored and evaluated through our school development plan. Through this we aim to close the gap between the attainment of those with protected characteristics and their peers. Where appropriate we use our Pupil Premium Grant to fund these interventions.

Public Sector Equality Duty and statement

Our Public Sector Equality Duty and Statement is set out below:

 Public Sector Equality Duty and Statement_24-25.pdfDownload
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Equalities contextual data

Current Equalities Contextual Data can be accessed below:

Equality Information and Objectives Policy

Our latest Equality Information and Objectives Policy can be accessed below:

 STATUTORY_Equalities Policy & Objectives_24-25.pdfDownload
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Equality Objectives Statement ACTION Plan

Our latest action plan can be accessed below:

Equality, equity, diversity and inclusion policy

These are our latest policies for children and staff:

 Pupil_Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy_24-25.pdfDownload
 Staff_Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy_24-25.pdfDownload
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Accessibility plan

Our latest accessibility plan can be accessed below:

decision making log

When we make decisions as a school, we consider equality issues around it and log actions which we take. This is a live document, which is regularly updated, so can't be put on the website but is available on request.

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