Curriculum video
"Leaders have implemented a curriculum where children learn knowledge in a sequenced way. This helps children to access further knowledge." Ofsted, 2023
Curriculum INTENT
Linked to our values, we want all our children to feel successful in an environment where they are respected, nurtured and encouraged to seek opportunities and demonstrate their excellence in whatever form this takes.
Curriculum drivers
Our curriculum drivers underpin the aims of our curriculum:
Whole School Curriculum
At Coombe Road Primary School we have developed the curriculum to cover the range of skills and knowledge contained within the National Curriculum. Parents looking at our subject webs will see at which points in the school their children will be meeting the skills, knowledge and experiences.
A parent and carer guide to the National Curriculum can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. This document highlights the major focus for each year group.
Throughout our curriculum, we aim to enhance the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of our children through discrete teaching, embedding it in other subject areas and through discussions and assemblies.
We want our children:
- to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, to inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values;
- to have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them;
- to use imagination and creativity in their learning;
- to be willing to reflect on their experiences;
- to have the ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong, readily apply this understanding in their own lives and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England;
- to understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions;
- to show interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, and to be able to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues;
- use a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds;
- to show willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively;
- to show acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs;
- to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain;
- to show understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others;
- to show understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain;
- to have knowledge of Britain's democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain;
- to show willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities; and
- to show interest in exploring, improving understanding of, and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity.
You can find our teaching and learning policy below:
The curriculum lead for art & design is Ms K Folley.
At Coombe Road we encourage our pupils to ‘make their mark’; through skills based teaching, nurturing and encouraging the development of individual styles and by widening their experience of art in the local community and wider world.
As artists we want our children to develop CURIOSITY through exploring their ideas and those of others, to take RESPONSIBILITY for inventing and creating, to show RESPECT and KINDNESS by critically evaluating their own and others’ work.
We engage, inspire and challenge our pupils with a curriculum that is built into topic based learning. Whilst also teaching skills to experiment, invent and create, we encourage pupils to critically evaluate, analyse and form their own opinions of art.
In KS1, pupils develop art & design skills and through KS2 they improve and master these skills.
At both key stages our pupils learn about artists, architects and designers throughout history. They are studied as a source of inspiration and their techniques replicated. We also look at how art contributes to our social and emotional development.
Our curriculum is further enhanced through art days, pupil exhibitions and projects in the local community.
As artists our children are AWARE of the impact of Art & Design in the wider world, ACCEPT that this continues to shape the culture of a nation and know how to ACT when responding to the work of their peers and established artists.
Our children cultivate a love of creativity through building the skills of the 7 elements of art: line, texture, tone, shape, colour, form and space. With a focus on drawing fluency, children’s skills are repeatedly practised, retrieved and built on in small steps. Along with DEVELOPING ideas, MASTERING TECHNIQUES and EVALUATING our children take inspiration from the great artists, designers and architects.
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Art and Design Progression.pdf | Download |
The curriculum lead for computing is Ms K Folley.
Our computing curriculum is designed to give our children the knowledge and skills they will need to use in school, at home and later in the workplace.
As computational thinkers we want our children to become confident and competent ‘digital natives’ by developing a CURIOSITY of and a problem-solving approach to computer science, to use information technology purposefully and take RESPONSIBILITY for choices made by always showing KINDNESS and RESPECT in all digital interactions.
We want our children to participate effectively and safely in an ever changing digital world. With a focus on key vocabulary, word processing fluency and password education, children’s knowledge is repeated, practised, retrieved and built on in small steps. Along with the 3 pillars of progression: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION and DIGITAL LITERACY, we equip our children to use creativity to understand and change the world.
At Coombe Road, we provide children with a wide range of computing experiences, including learning how to code, which will support them in becoming confident digital practitioners with the ability to be resilient, reason logically and work collaboratively to problem solve.
We have built on existing Early Years practice to develop a range of code experiences right through KS2. These include programming languages like Scratch and HTML which allow children to design and create games or control robots and equipment; and build websites, respectively.
We believe it is of utmost importance to teach pupils to be responsible for their own safety when using the Internet and other technologies. With this in mind, we include an e-safety module in every year group.
As computational thinkers our children are AWARE of the importance of digital literacy, ACCEPT they are responsible for making informed choices and know how to ACT to stay safe.
The curriculum lead for computing is Ms K Folley.
Our DT curriculum is designed to give our children opportunities to look at ‘design’, be inspired by designers and ‘make’ using creativity and imagination.
As designers and food technicians we want our children to become CURIOUS through experiencing creative challenges, show innovation; take RESPONSIBILITY for problem solving and risk taking and to show KINDNESS and RESPECT when working collaboratively.
Design and Technology is an exciting, practical and deeply creative subject. Children are taught to design solutions to real problems and use cross-curricular subject knowledge such as mathematics, science and computing. They are also taught to plan, design and make a range of objects throughout their school career. These include a Victorian mobile pier, a pop-up box and an ancient Egyptian shaduf.
Through engaging with design and technology, children develop a deep understanding of design in society, appropriate material use and are taught to take risks and innovate.
Our children are inspired by the work of established designers and to find practical solutions to design briefs. They can DESIGN, MAKE, EVALUATE and improve their creations.
As food technicians, our children have the crucial life skill of cooking, one of the great expressions of human creativity. Through a knowledge of the principles of nutrition and healthy eating our children know how to feed themselves well, now and in the future.
Our children are AWARE of inspirational figures, ACCEPT that DT is a practical activity that requires ‘trial and error’ and know how to ACT when taking risks innovating.
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Design and Technology Progression.pdf | Download |
The curriculum lead for French is Ms K Folley.
Our language curriculum is designed to give our children the knowledge to become aware of new cultures and develop a greater appreciation of other people and customs that are different from their own. We begin teaching in year 3 - the critical period for children to learn a new language.
As linguists we want our children to develop CURIOSITY about other cultures and hence show RESPECT and KINDNESS as members of a multi-cultural society. We want our children to take RESPONSIBILITY for their language learning and see it as an opportunity to explore the world.
French is taught to children from year 3 to year 6. It is taught through song, games, stories and role-play, making the learning as fun and interactive as possible in order to engage and motivate all learners.
As linguists our children listen and speak French by joining in and engaging in conversation, reading and writing simple French by broadening their vocabulary exploring the patterns and sounds of language through stories and songs, and beginning to understand basic grammar. With a focus on alphabet, number and basic greeting fluency, our children repeatedly practise these skills, retrieve knowledge and build upon this in small steps.
As linguists our children are AWARE that they are citizens in a multi-cultural world, they ACCEPT that learning a language opens up new opportunities for their future and ACT respectfully as ambassadors of their own language.
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French Progression.pdf | Download |
The curriculum lead for geography is Miss T Fay.
Our geography curriculum is designed to give our children the knowledge and skills to understand their place in our locality and the wider world.
As geographers we want our children to become active local and global citizens by developing CURIOSITY of the world around them, RESPECTING the world they inhabit through KINDNESS and by taking RESPONSIBILITY for the choices they make in the local and global community.
At Coombe Road we strive to provide our children with high-quality geography education that will inspire them and encourage a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.
Through geographical enquiry, the children learn about both human and physical features that make up their local area and surrounding settings. Our broad curriculum enables children to have the opportunity to explore different cultures, environments, people and landscapes whilst reflecting on diversity.
We are constantly working to raise children’s awareness of their roles and responsibilities in relation to their environment through School Council, assemblies, world awareness days and through links with our PSHE curriculum. In doing this we make cross-curricular links to support a creative and practical learning experience.
As geographers, our children are able to write about the Earth. With a focus on map fluency, children’s LOCATIONAL knowledge is repeatedly practised, retrieved and built on in small steps. Along with developing a knowledge of PLACE, HUMAN & PHYSICAL geography and developing GEOGRAPHICAL SKILLS, the children embed FIELDWORK study (through the Outdoor and Adventurous Activity unit in the PE curriculum).
Our children are AWARE of their world, ACCEPT change and know how to ACT as global citizens to live sustainably.
The curriculum lead for history is Miss T Fay.
Our history curriculum is designed to give our children the knowledge and skills to begin to understand why the world is the way it is and how it could be in the future.
As historians, we want our children to make sense of their place in the world. This is essential to their development as CURIOUS, RESPECTFUL and KIND adults and as RESPONSIBLE citizens of the world.
History is taught within our creative and exciting subject webs allowing for a deeper understanding and for cross curricular links to be made. Children enjoy the stimulating and engaging lessons which are enriched by visits, visitors and historical artefacts. Children are then able to develop their historical thinking skills through critical and reflective investigation.
As historians we want our children to become skilled INVESTGATORS. With a focus on chronological fluency, children’s CHRONOLOGICAL UNDERSTANDING is repeatedly practised, retrieved and built upon in small steps. We want children to examine their own lives, locality and move onto developing an UNDERSTANDING of EVENTS and PEOPLE in a national and global context. Along with understanding that history has different HISTORICAL INTERPRETATIONS, they need to know how this can be ORGANISED and COMMUNICATED.
As historians, our children are AWARE of Britain, its past, its present and its role in the world. They ACCEPT that history is a narrative of past events of change and know how to ACT to find out more through investigation, connections between past, present and future.
The curriculum lead for music is Mr Cappuccini.
At Coombe Road, we provide a high-quality music education which enables children to develop a love of music whilst increasing self-confidence, creativity and a sense of achievement. Our aim is to provide a music education that engages and inspires children to develop a life-long love of music and nurtures their talent as musicians.
Music is about participating in a creative, fun and inclusive curriculum. It is first and foremost to help children feel that they are musical and to develop a life-long love of music. We focus on developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that children need to become confident performers, composers, and listeners. Children are encouraged and motivated to participate, and discover and develop a wide range of musical techniques.
Our teachers use the Kapow Primary Music Scheme. In EYFS and KS1, the children enjoy singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. They have the opportunity to play both tuned and percussion instruments which they use to create, select and combine sounds. They also listen and move to a wide range of music.
Children in KS2 build on the skills acquired in KS1 so that, by the end of year 6, they sing and play with increasing control and self-confidence. They deepen their understanding of music in the world and the significance of music through history. Children are encouraged to explore their own musical preferences and discuss these with confidence.
Our curriculum introduces children to music from all around the world and across generations, teaching children to respect and appreciate the music of all traditions and communities. Our children have the opportunity to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions. They learn to sing and use their voices, create and compose music on their own and with others, and also have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.
To enhance the musical experience, visiting musicians such as 'Create Music', offer the children a chance to experience and play a wide range of instruments - and through the Brighton and Hove Music Service, we are consulting parents on teaching a range of lessons, including violin and guitar.
The National Curriculum mapping document shows which of our units cover each of the National Curriculum attainment targets as well as each of these strands within it. The progression of skills document shows the skills that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop year on year to ensure attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage.
As musicians we want our children to be CURIOUS about vocal and instrumental sound, take RESPONSIBILITY for experimenting and creating, show RESPECT and appreciate the music of all traditions and communities and show KINDNESS when working collaboratively.
We want our children to be engaged and inspired and they are AWARE of the impact of participating in musical activities, ACCEPT that resilience is vital to developing knowledge and skills and know how to ACT when performing.
Our music development plans can be found below:
The curriculum lead for RE is Ms K Folley.
Our RE curriculum is designed (in line with the Brighton & Hove locally agreed syllabus) to give our children the knowledge and understanding of the relevance of religion in the modern world.
As theologians, we want our children to explore the different ways that people celebrate their faith by fostering CURIOSITY, developing RESPECT and a KIND attitude towards different belief systems and to take RESPONSIBILITY for informed opinions.
As theologians we want our children to know different faiths and to cultivate the skills of reflection, empathy, creativity of thought and expression. With a focus on faith fluency, children’s knowledge of the key elements of the world’s major faiths is repeatedly practised, retrieved and built on in small steps. Along with learning about the rituals, ceremonies and lifestyles of different belief systems, children will learn how these are expressed. We want our children to reflect on these teachings and begin a journey of personal growth.
At Coombe Road we use a comprehensive scheme of work, Twinkl RE, which links with the Brighton and Hove agreed syllabus. This gives our children opportunities to:
- develop their knowledge and understanding of the nature of religious beliefs and practices and the importance of these in the lives of believers; and
- explore those aspects of human experiences which give rise to spiritual awareness and fundamental issues about beliefs and values.
RE is always taught in the context of our school values and valuing, respecting and celebrating all faith groups.
As theologians our children are AWARE of different belief systems, ACCEPT different opinions and know how to ACT to foster positive attitudes and tolerance.