Our Vision
Our curriculum lead for PE and sport is Mr O'Connor.
Coombe Road Primary School believes that physical education has a vital contribution to pupils' physical literacy and well-being. We teach a high-quality physical education curriculum with which we hope to inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Our broad and balanced PE curriculum, which covers the statutory National Curriculum, is intended to aid pupils’ increasing self-confidence and their ability to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of movement situations. All of this is experienced in a safe and supportive environment.
Learning objectives that enable rapid and sustained progression offer children a stimulating, enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experience. By offering opportunities to compete in sport and other activities we endeavour to build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Coombe Road Primary School offers a range of activities and teaching approaches which aim to give pupils opportunities to develop their creative and expressive abilities. Pupils are encouraged to appreciate the importance of a healthy and fit body, and all will begin to understand factors which affect health and fitness.
It is intended that all pupils will achieve in PE and all will enjoy success and be motivated to further develop their individual potential both in and beyond school.
Coombe Road Primary School ensures physical education is an integral part of our curriculum that is inclusive and engages all children. The children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. The curriculum is designed to give our children the ‘know-what’, ‘know-how’ knowledge and hence the skills to participate, enjoy and physically and mentally benefit from all physical activity.
As sportspeople we want our children to develop the confidence to show CURIOSITY about new skills, take RESPONSIBILITY for working collaboratively and show KINDNESS and RESPECT in all physical activities.
As sportspeople we want our children to develop their ‘physical literacy’. With a focus on fundamental movement skills fluency, domain specific skills are repeatedly practised, retrieved and built on in small steps. Along with the 3 pillars of progression: motor competence, rules, strategies and tactics and healthy participation, we want to open a gateway to a world of sport and physical activity.
As sportspeople our children are AWARE that exercise improves focus, self-discipline and brain development, ACCEPT that mental health improves with exercise and know how to ACT to develop and sustain a healthy lifestyle.
Our physical education curriculum provides children with two stimulating PE lessons per week, in addition to our school’s ‘1k a day’ initiative, which has a positive effect on the children's wellbeing. Children learn about the impact and importance of healthy body, healthy mind. PE lessons give children a platform and concrete understanding of how sport and exercise can, and should, be sustained throughout their lives.
At Coombe Road, we aim to ensure that all pupils develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive and cooperative sports and activities and lead healthy, active lifestyles. The curriculum is enriched through a full programme of competitive and non-competitive friendly sporting events (see below), Mini-Athletics every week, the intra-class games and sports days (with parents).
Children leave Coombe Road Primary School:
- motivated to lead a happy, healthy life;
- having developed competence in a broad range of physical activities;
- having engaged in competitive sports and activities, with a desire to continue;
- physically confident;
- holding fairness and respect as high values; and
- ready for the next stage of their education.
We have a proud tradition of entering sports teams in events and participating in sports festivals. The following events are provisionally booked but subject to change:
Autumn Term 2024
Spring Term 2025
Summer Term 2025
We are proud to be a 'School Games and Healthy Choice School'.
The intra-Class Games
Every term, we have an intra-class games event. The children get to use their new skills and really enjoy it.
Sports Premium Reporting
For information about how we spend our sports premium and our latest report, please see our sports premium page by clicking here.
Our Sponsor
We are so pleased that Neil Sutherland Estate Agents are our sponsor. If you recommend them for lettings or sales, please mention Coombe Road and Neil Sutherland will kindly give the school a donation towards our school funds.
sports days
We have two sports days each year and parents are invited.